Reunion Invites!

See samples of fellow planners’ reunion invitations and registration forms.
Click into any of the images for a larger view. Most are pdf files.

Family Reunion Invitations

Just starting out and wondering who to invite? Several of our podcasts will help solve that reunion planning dilemma. Listen to “Who do you invite to a reunion anyway?” Then consider “The art of the loving Invitation” and “The opening letter.”

Invitation Examples

pinterestSee many more example of reunion invitations on Reunions magazine’s Pinterest page invitation board.

Class Reunion Invitations

Military Reunions Invitations


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Does anyone send out invitations anymore?

I just realized that I’ve seen very few mailed invitations to reunions this year. When I do workshops I urge electronic communication as swifter and cheaper. But I’m beginning to think that no one is “sending” invitations any more. Prove me wrong! Please put Reunions magazine (PO Box 11727, Milwaukee WI 53211) on your invitation list so we can see how you are engaging your members. We would also like to share your ideas with other reunions. See some of the collection we already have.

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Joan Waters
Curtis-Butler Family Reunion

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