Dr. Ione Vargus, founder of the Family Reunion Institute at Temple University in Philadelphia, has written Black Family Reunions, Finding the Rest of Me. Dr. Vargus has long been convinced of the value and importance of family reunions, especially among black families. She traveled the country for many years to visit black family reunions to observe and experience how families met and celebrated. She interviewed family members for their impressions and practices. The result is this book, which delves into the social and psychological benefits of having reunions, as well as advice and guidance about the nuts and bolts of planning and holding a family reunion.
Dr. Vargus, professor emerita, is the retired Temple University dean of the School of Social Administration and acting vice provost of undergraduate education and presidential fellow. Early social work experience in Boston and Chicago established her lifelong commitment to strengthening families and promoting reunions as a way to enhance identity, self-esteem, and family values. She us a nationally acclaimed authority on reunions and their role in sustaining spiritual and cultural vitality in our families and communities. She is and affectionately known as the Mother of Family Reunions. Her Family Reunion Institute continues to advise and guide readers through its website www.familyreunioninstitute.net.
Order your copy of Black Family Reunions, Finding the Rest of Me by Dr Ione D. Vargus from the publisher at https://www.xlibris.com/en/bookstore/bookdetails/810743-black-family-reunions