Highland Springs (Virginia) High School’s boys basketball team captured the AAA State Championship title this year and that’s not all the school has captured. It has captured the attention of more than 1,000 HSHS alumni who stay in touch with all things “Springer” via an alumni-designed website at www.springerconnection.com. Barely one year old, this free site captivates an active community who return day after day to read the message board and continually scan membership for childhood friends.
This site is different from classmates.com and reunion.com which charge fees to email and post to message boards. “The reason people like this site is its interesting content, message board and ability to email other members, all without a fee,” says Dan Zodun, Creative Engineer and Administrator of springerconnection.com.
Additional member benefits at springerconnection.com include photo file sharing, a reunion center (with pictures, updates, and other reunion notes), nostalgic trivia, cafeteria recipes, alumni editorials and local history. School sports coverage is updated weekly and incorporates scores, coaches’ interviews, news, articles, photos and video. Chat room features will be added shortly.
Other schools and groups interested in duplicating the success of springerconnection.com can have the template customized. Contact Denise Reynolds, 866-my-click; [email protected].