Vol 10 No 3

Spring 2000
Vol. 10 No. 3


Spring 2000 V10N3

Front Words

Alum&I Taking on a really BIG class reunion by Calvin Potts
Looking for K-town Raiders by Don Newton
An amazing reunion by Nancy Peeler Keppel
Days of Glory, centennial reunions
Scrapbook Contests and winners, reunion timing chart, sweating the details, celebrate Scotch history, new media, 55th nurses reunion, commemorations, and lots more

Branch Office Genealogy online by Sharon DeBartolo Carmack
Nation’s family histories, new History magazine

MASTERPLAN Legacy of a reunion quilt by Cindy Ladage
A (real) family tree by Ann Pelletier Strong
LOTS OF IDEAS from family reunions: Kilgore, Rogers, Hardy, Mock, Marshall-Rankin, Jackson-Page, Holton-Blake, Robinson, Waring-Gelhorpe
Preserving reunions: oral histories by Georgia Burnette

REUNION VENUES Ranchin’ out by Jacky Runice and other reunions at ranches and in the high peaks of Colorado
Wasn’t it grand! by Bernice E. Magee
Reunions on the high seas and other waterways
THEMES The theme is reunion! ALAFFFA minute reunions by Lisa A. Alzo, Themes from Robinson, Utley and Ploski reunions
How to have a time capsule party by John Mallory

MRN History lives, searching help, USS General AE Anderson reunion, Medal of Honor reunion, Australian memorial, COHORTs reunion and more

Reunions! Reunion Reveille, military reunions; RegisTREE, family reunions; Class reunions

Reunion Resources A directory of reunion friendly places, services, vendors and products


Publisher Jeffrey P. Wallman
Editor in chief Edith Wagner
Art Director Jennifer Rueth

Marion Liston
Senior Account Manager, Lynn Ryan
Webmaster Mary Jo Klein
Assistant Editor Jeff Perso
Administrator Karla Lavin
Administrative Staff

Kirsten Klauk
Jean Salzer

Lisa A. Alzo
Michael Baird
Georgia Burnette
Sharon DeBartolo Carmack
Ted Crossland
Nancy Peeler Keppel
Bill LaSalle
Cindy Ladage
John Logan
Dodi Mace
Bernice E. Magee
John Mallory
Carlene Marek Magalia
Larry McCoy
Don Newton
Ann Pelletier Strong
Sally Ploski
Calvin Potts
Eliz Rankin-Fulcher
Jack Rogers
Luther Royds
Jacky Runice
Dorothy Stanaitis
N. Dale Talkington
Jan Tompkins
Jackie Utley
Harold Witkov