Military history interest is at an all time high and the public’s thirst for knowledge of battles is quenched by Valor Tours and Military Historical Tours.
Interest in these tours has surpassed both companies’ expectations. It isn’t solely veterans who return to battle scenes, the public and veterans’ families are interested in learning about WWII and other conflicts. One reason for the interest is that these are the places America built its legacy as one of the world’s great countries. Many want to see the beginnings of our country’s rise.
The trips provide more than a view as military history experts and authors provide insight. Trips include meetings with local veterans and citizens that experienced events first-hand who note places of personal importance. One veteran found the fox hole where he sustained a face wound and parts of his shattered rifle remained.
Valor Tours, 10 Liberty Ship Way, Sausalito CA 94965; 800-842-4504;; [email protected].
Military Historical Tours, 4600 Duke St., Suite 420, Alexandria, VA 22304; 800-722-9501;; [email protected].
from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel