Three Easy-to-Keep Reunion Resolutions – By Lisa A. Alzo, M.F.A.

Well, here we are again at the beginning of a new year.  Many people like to make resolutions for improving their health, their finances, or life in general.  Some prefer to set goals, specifically outlining personal or professional tasks or projects they hope to accomplish. If starting or continuing a family reunion is on your list, here are three easy things to do to make 2024 your best reunion year ever.

  1. Start now. Take advantage of the New Year energy and start planning your event. First, if you have not already done so, book your date and venue. While some popular reunion places may require reservations a year or more in advance, starting right after January 1 may help you secure a suitable spot. If you are unfamiliar with the location or are looking for a new experience, perform a Google search for the city or town’s Visitor’s Bureau Website or Facebook Page. Most venues are also on social media. If you are all set with the chosen location,
  2. Reach out. If you are organizing the reunion or volunteer to help, you should plan to be in regular communication with your family or group members. A monthly e-mail blast or newsletter offers a great opportunity to communicate information about the reunion at various planning stages. If you have many people on your contacts list, consider using a service such as Mailchimp or Constant Contact to manage it. A monthly Zoom meeting can also help keep your committee motivated.
  3. Share memories. Whether you are organizing your first reunion, or your 50th, you must generate excitement with both potential and frequent attendees. A photograph, a recipe, or a story can be the perfect catalyst to build anticipation for an in-person gathering. Make memory sharing an interactive experience by having attendees scan photographs, create recipe cards and share family stories. For tips see

Resolutions do not have to be something you feel you must do. Instead think of them as building blocks to ensure that your next reunion will be a resounding success.