The following devotion is by Thomas A. Phelan, Bergenfield, New Jersey, a World War II and Korean War veteran. He wrote this for the men and women who were wounded and died for America. The words have been set to Country/Western music and recorded under the same title.
The Ultimate Sacrifice
American men and women
fought in all the battles
from the revolution
to the Second World War
for the freedom of all people
and to keep the enemy from our shore.
They fought in Korea, Viet Nam
and Desert Storm. Were wounded and died again.
Their mission — stop Communism
the usurper of all nations
that uses force fear, death and invasions.
These brave people are martyrs for their God
heroes to their families, friends and Country
for that final ultimate endeavor.
We bestow upon them and their loved ones
the highest of honors, our gratitude
our prayers, our love forever.