“April Showers Bring May Flowers.” The month of May typically ushers in the promise of fresh spring air and lovely blooms. Traditionally celebrated on May 1, May Day is a European festival of ancient origins marking the beginning of summer with such traditions as gathering of wildflowers and green branches, dancing around a Maypole, and crowning a May Queen. Symbolically, this is the point roughly halfway between the first day of spring and the summer solstice.
When it comes to your reunion, now is the perfect time to review the goals you set at the beginning of the year, and what progress you’ve made. Here are three areas to look at:
- Invitations/RSVPs. Perhaps you have sent out your invitations but need to double check who has yet to respond. If you have an event happening later in the year and sent out a “save the date” now would be a good time to design and send out your electronic and/or paper invitations.
- Photos/Memories. Have you started preserving and sharing photos and memories from reunion attendees and/or from past reunions? If not, consider starting a preservation project using the Vivid-Pix MemoryStation https://www.vivid-pix.com/memorystation to share images and stories. For tips, read the article in the March 2023 issue of Reunions Magazine https://issuu.com/reunionsmag/docs/reunions_v32n1_mag_mar23_final.
- Decorations. While you may not plan on weaving floral garlands at your event, now is a good time to decide on a theme and shop for corresponding decorations to make your reunion fun and festive. If you are on a tight budget, check warehouse clubs and dollar stores for bargain items.
By taking some time to focus on these fun but important aspects of your reunion, you will set a positive tone that can help encourage attendance and anticipation.