Hello Family, Happy New Year! The link for the 2021 Family Reunion Vacation Location VOTE, is listed below. Location votes will be accepted through January 31st, so an announcement can be made during the first week of February. Based on the nominations we received last summer, the three locations listed below are the three finalists. Our goal is to plan a very safe and enjoyable family reunion vacation. We will follow CDC guidelines, as it relates to hand washing hygiene, use of face-coverings, and sanitizing products. -St. Louis, Missouri -Memphis, Tennessee -Branson, Missouri https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/S8HKYZS Please share this information with other family members that are absent or inactive on social media and email.
Thank you and May God Bless and Keep you safe and healthy.
Niko M Cook, Chairperson
Saffore-Scyffore Family Reunion Celebration
(918) 809-8774 www.safforescyfforefamilyreunion.com
[email protected]InstagramTwitterFacebookPinterest Follow for family reunion updates, activities, and events on all social media outlets. We’re proudly featured in Reunions Magazine Othella B. Scyffore, Family Reunion Founder Willie C. Smith, Emeritus “Family is one of God’s Masterpieces”