If you are planning to hold a scanning event at your next reunion, it’s never too early to make a checklist for logistics and technology. (See Reunions magazine article: Recipes, Reminiscing and Reunions, Volume 31, No. 4, December 2022).
The reunion organizer or historian should acquire all necessary equipment and software. Create a spreadsheet in Google Sheets, or an app such as AirTable or Trello for a checklist that can be easily shared with reunion members. Key items for the list include: Laptop computer, cords and cables (ideally your venue has electricity), Wi-Fi hotspot, Vivid-Pix Memory Station, Portable USB Drives, FileShadow Account (to share scanned files with others).
Once you have everything you need, do some test runs. Set up the scanning station as you plan to do at the reunion. Watch tutorials on Vivid-Pix Education and FileShadow to make the process quick and efficient. Scan a selection of photographs and run them through Vivid-Pix Restore. Set up your FileShadow account and think about collections you will create for grouping and saving your files.
- Watch this video to learn how to collaborate with FileShadow.
- Practice adding audio to your pictures and files with this tutorial.
As you generate interest in the scanning event and work through the technology, be sure to get feedback from reunion committee members and update your checklist.