The Manhattanville (New York) My Soldier program – My Hero: Heroes to Heroes encourages heroes of yesterday to support heroes of today.
Manhattanville My Soldier has collected names and addresses of soldiers currently deployed who wish to receive letters of support and occasional care packages. My Soldier asks Veterans from all over the country to participate. Call My Soldier at 914-323-5172, or email [email protected] with the title “My Hero” in the subject heading.
The My Soldier program ( founded by an active Army sergeant who served two years in Iraq and student of Manhattanville College, is designed to foster communication and support military personnel. When a person enrolls in the My Soldier program, they agree to adopt a soldier. They receive a “starter kit” with guidelines for writing letters to deployed US Armed Serviceperson and a red My Soldier bracelet. The program is free, but donations are welcome.