Winter 1999
Vol. 9 No. 2
Winter 1999 (V9N2)
Front Words
Alum&I A funny thing happened on the way to my high school reunion by Darla Methey
Scrapbook 1999 workshops, reunion contest winners, reunion privy parade, one-room school reunion, Benson family bones, Independence Jazz Reunion, commemorations
Reviews Family Reunion by Jennifer Crichton, The Heart of a Family: Searching America for New Traditions that Fulfill Us by Meg Cox, From memories to manuscript by Joan R. Neubauer, Family Tree Maker, version 5,
MASTERPLAN Ask for Goodies by Dianne Chalmers
Mary Delight by Ann More
Q?&A!s Icebreaking, Christmas reunions and a letter to the missed
The Best Reunions by Agnes Konitzer Bridger
Best of the best reunion places — CVBs
Ethnic reunion celebrations Old World Roots, Eppinga Family Reunion in Holland, Tastes of their ancestors, Pow Wows, Ethnic Iowa, A Weir Ceilidh, new ethnic guides
Branch Office Ellis Island discoveredby Sharon DeBartolo Carmack
Computer help for your reunion by Julie Crea Dunbar
A sociologists view of happy reunions by Laurence A. Basirico
Family medical secrets by Fran M. Carlson
Dating mystery photos
Cruises Gold and Giggles by Kari Satterfield
Cruising: a carefree way to a family reunion by Margaret Malsam
Love Boat reunion by J.S. Fletcher and Kathy M. Newton
MRN Close encounters of the reunion kind by Barbara M. Wolcott
Military museums, Flying Tigers Museum, Women’s Memorial, USS Braxton, Navy Log
Reunions! Reunion Reveille, military reunions; RegisTREE, family reunions; Class reunions
Reunion Resources A directory of reunion friendly places, services, vendors and products
On the cover
Balloons were launched at the 65th Seideman Family Reunion.
Cover photo by Edith Wagner
Publisher Jeffrey P. Wallman
Editor in chief Edith Wagner
Art Director Jennifer Rueth
Marion Liston
Senior Account Manager, Lynn Ryan
Assistant Editor Jeff Perso
Webmaster Mary Jo Klein
Administrative Staff
Karla Lavin
Jean Salzer
Laurence A. Basirico
Agnes Kontizer Bridger
Fran M. Carlson
Sharon DeBartolo Carmack
Dionne Chambers
Julie Crea Dunbar
Jane Eppinga
J.S. Fletcher
Mary Thiele Fobian
Stan Howse
Margaret Malsam
Darla Methey
Ann More
Kathy M. Newborn
Kari Satterfield
George D. Weir
Pam Wodzicki
Barbara M. Wolcott