Vol 7 No 2

Winter 1997
Vol. 7 No. 2


Front Words

Reunion Scrapbook Workshops & conferences, contests, freebies, reunions in the media, miscellaneous reunion stories
Classifieds Includes: Adoptions, RegisTREE (Family Reunions)
Reunion Retreats

Branch Office: Reflections on being A Star for a Day by Sharon DeBartolo Carmack
RSVP Manelli Family Reunion
Alum & I Untangling the Web
Origins And now we know the rest of the story by Kelly C. Jacobs
Searching? Find missing people on the internet, by LtCol Richard S. Johnson

Consider these gifts of family reunions by Jann Mitchell
Re-live the Civil War by Ron Slaughter
Celebrating ethnicity
It’s Rashid Reunion Time

Cabin fever cure…reunions, of course
Warmer cures for cabin fever
In their footsteps
The Oregon Trail…Who? Why? and Where?
by Marsha Hoffman Rising, CG, CGL, FASG
Thanks for the memories
by Susan Welsh
Five friends not far from forty
by David A. Shirey
Reunion t-shirts
by Philip R. Henningsen
A golden reunion
by Kate Kellogg

Military Reunion News
The Connection by Brenda Reimels
Why have a reunion
Reunion Reveille


Publisher/ Editor Edith Wagner
Art Director Jennifer Rueth
Family and Kids Editor Susan Welsh
Sales Lynn Ryan
Webmaster Andi McKenna
Administrative Staff Marion Liston

Ken August Brunner
Carole Jones Byars
Sharon DeBartolo Carmack
Sonia Croft
Prof. Philip J. DiNovo
Irene Goggans
John Gurda
Michele Hendricks
Rose Hendrickson
Phil Henningsen
W. Robert Jackson
Kelly C. Jacobs
LtCol Richard Johnson, USA (ret)
Kate Kellogg
Jean Laws
Teresa Lilly
Jann Mitchell
Phyllis Nevala
Robin O’Brien
Joe Quade
Brenda L. Reimels
Marsha Hoffman Rising, CG, CGL, FASG
Paula Sheagley
David A. Shirey
Ron Slaughter
Diane Smith
Jan Tompkins
Cindi Schmitt Wood