Autumn 1996
Vol. 7 No. 1
Front Words
Contests & Research
Branch office by Sharon DeBartolo Carmack
Civil War soldiers index project
Genealogy News
Alum & I by Paula Sheagley
Choosing a professional reunion planner
Origins by Jean Strauss
An informative history of the adoption process
Reunion Software by Maurice Krueger
Notes from a Personal Ancestral File fan
Letters to the Editor
Searching? by Dick Johnson
Basics for finding anyone
Clipped Notes
Back Issues
Reunion Retreats
ClassifiedsIncludes Adoption Search and Support Organizations
On the Cover
Holland America’s ms Westerdam cruises through Glacier Bay, Alaska; see page 38.
Reunions MasterPlan
Ideas from the experts help with organizing tips and how to create a family history treasure.
Creating a family history cookbook
by Carolyn Wilson Elliot
Gently mix anecdotes of family history and food with a genealogist cook’s sense of preserving the past to create a keepsake.
What’s New?
Introducing The Reunion Bookstore, a new feature offering you special reunion related books.
… and other planning tips from reunion organizers
Military Reunion News
Something new in this issue!
Military reunions have a base of their own.
Alert: all reunion organizers can learn from military reunions.
Military stars
by LtCol Bill Masciangelo, USMC (Ret)
Important food and beverage tips
Reunion Reveille
A list of reunions planned and notes from people looking for reunions
USS Kadashan Bay
by Carol Bradley
A ships reunion sparks memories of war time heroics
Bulletin Boards
by William Lewis Gage
An electronic list of military reunions
…and other important military reunion miscellany
Hot Spots
Smooth Sailing for Reunions
by Robin Longman
Cruise into your next reunion
Once there was a reunion
by M.J. Dolan
Part 2 celebrates a happy ending to a 10th high school reunion trauma
Summer Reading
Lots of readers offer their suggestions in reviews of reunion reading. Included are some very special reviews from the intended audience of Kids Stuff.
Friends Reunions
What are friends for? To share good times and wonderful memories, of course. Read about two such reunions.
What’s a few kids among friends?
by Shelley Hobson
Friends for Real Life
by Penny Pritzel
Let’s Eat
Some family reunion food traditions and family reunion cookbooks
Masthead V2 N4
Publisher & Managing Editor Edith Wagner
Associate Publisher Jane Davis
Assistant Editor & Art Director Cynthia Crigler
Military Editor Gil Gilstrap
Copy Editor Carol A. Burns
Marketing Director Karla Lavin
Administrative Staff
Carolyn Link
Marion Liston
Karen Tamir
Contributing Editors
Irving Bell
Carol Bradley
Sharon DeBartolo Carmack, CGRS
Mary Jo Dolan
William Lewis Gage
Beth, Megan & Laura Halley
Shelley Hobson
LtCol Richard Johnson, USA (Ret)
Jack Lavin
Conor Liston
Robin Longman
LtCol Bill Masciangelo, USMC (Ret)
Penny Pritzl
Paula Sheagley
Jean Strauss
Nona Taylor
Carolyn Wilson Elliott