Vol 4 No 4

Summer 1994
Vol. 4 No. 4


Alum & I , by Paula Sheagley
Details make a reunion a class act

by C.Patricia Irwin Leskey
Reunion tradition discovered through genealogical search

Branch Office , by Sharon DeBartolo Carmack, CGRS
Reunions Family RegisTREE

by Joseph P. McKenna

by LtCol Richard S. Johnson
Social Security numbers ease searches

Reunion Retreats a directory of
reunion-friendly places to stay

On the Cover
There’s no age limit to reunion fun in the Rockies.
photos courtesy of YMCA of the Rockies. inset photo credit: Carl Scofield

Reunions in the Rockies
Much to-do about reunions
An entertaining list for your reunion

A reunion on Rails
by Robin Longman
All aboard the reunion train

Stories fly during pilots reunions
by Carol Burns

43-K Cadets reunite in Colorado Springs

Barclay Lodge—Colorado’s family reunion mecca
by Tom Ninkovich The sky’s the limit for Rocky Mountain reunion fun

Reunion Fundraising, Part One
by Jean Timpel

Reunite with Taste
Reunion recipes add flavor to festivities

Notes from the Corrigan, Webster and Brudi reunions; Say What? Reunion talk; Reunion
birthday party; discovery weekend; historic locations; family history month

Military reunion news

Heli-va reunion; Kalamazoo Air Zoo; Vets thank-you dinner; The successful Marine V-12
program, by Cpl David Ferrier, USMC; Overseas Brats Grand Reunion ‘93 by Bill Gunkel

Military stars
from John Hoerber, 94th Infantry Division
WWII reunion trip tips

Military What’s New?
Commemorative watches

Military RnR
D-Day-1994 book review



Publisher & Managing Editor Edith Wagner
Associate Publishers Jane Davis & Jeff Wallman
Editor Carol A. Burns
Military Editor Gil Gilstrap
Art Director Cynthia Crigler
Marketing Director Karla Lavin
Sales Lynn Ryan
Graphic Design Glenda Puhek
Administrative Staff
Donna Eigen
Karla Lavin
Carolyn Link
Marion Liston
Andi McKenna

Contributing Editors
Sharon DeBartolo Carmack, CGRS
Cpl David J. Ferrier USMC
Ken Fletcher
William Lewis Gage
Bill Gunkel
John Hoerber
LtCol Richard Johnson, USA (Ret)
C. Patricia Irwin Leskey
Robin Longman
Jospeh P. McKenna
Tom Ninkovich
Paula Sheagley
Jean Timpel