Summer 2001
Vol. 11 No. 4
Summer 2001 n11n4
Alum & I The class of ’47 by Hastie Lowther
Classmates memories by Elizabeth Sphar
Need pictures? by Heather Hubbell Cook
Internet keeps Decatur Class of ’82 connected by Chris Carrell
Scrapbook Great new contest to enhance your reunion, employee reunions,
Budget stretching tips, how to get reunion group airfare rates,
Beyond brochures, Reunions on the road
MasterPlan Giancaspro Reunions: ten years of family fun by Ann McKinney
Lots of ideas from family reunions: Smith-Sloan, Summit(t),
Williams, Washington Copeland, Boyd, Napp/Knapp, Howitt
Icebreakers by Susan Thomas
Health is in your roots by Adam Rose
Personal scavenger hunt by Kathy Wolford
Kids Stuff Put a smile…or butterfly on your face by Megan Moyer
Going There Bed, breakfast and the best of the Southwest by Jacky Runice
Camping: Preparation is key
A family who plays together by Debbie Minnema
POTOURRI Preserving Reunions Memoir fever
Food Reunion recipe contest, Questions for the caterer
The traveling reunion chicken dinner By Don (Bud) Wilson
Fundraising Where’s the money coming from?
Reunion machines Rent or buy- machines to try
Reunion timetable, Cemeteries are for the living
MRN Old nameless sails on by Ried Holien
Reunion Resources A directory of reunion friendly places, services, vendors and
About the cover Tug-of-war is a perennial favorite at the annual Seidemann Family
Reunion in Newburg, Wisconsin. Photo credit: Richard Brodzeller
(also pages 7, 31, 33)
Publisher Jeffrey P. Wallman
Editor in chief Edith Wagner
Art Director Jennifer Rueth
Sales Lynn Ryan, Senior Account Manager
Marion Liston, Senior Account Manager
Kristen Holmes, Account Manager
Webmaster Kevin Kahler
Editorial Assistants
Megan Moyer
Adam Rose
Administrator Karla Lavin
Administrative Staff Jean Salzer
Pat Newton Brown
Sharon DeBartolo Carmack
Chris Carrel
David Carter
Alice Cary
Heather Hubbell Cook
Virginia Coty/Jeffords
Audrey Delorme
Frances Boyd Farlow
Mary Thiele Fobian
Reid Holien
Sissy Williams Howell
Jenell R. Leonard
Hastie Lowther
Ann McKinney
Debbie Minnema
Karen Luna Ray
Jacky Runice
Carolyn Sigler Schellang
Elizabeth Sphar
Susan Thomas
Jackie Utley
Gil Williams
Frank Willis
Don (Bud) Wilson
Kathy Wolford