Diane Owen, Minneapolis, Minnesota, of the Glasrudag Family Reunion, wrote, “We usually go to the family farm in Spring Grove, Minnesota, but also located a tourist community nearby where family can make arrangements and children and adults have lots of activities, but the town is small enough that everyone is safe and can wander at will.”
Even when we went to Norway, 165 Americans met 180 Norwegian family at the family farm.
Three wealthy family benefactors contribute sponsor-level donations every reunion. The sponsors pay extra for activities and receive special recognition and a golf shirt to identify them. We charge only a minimal amount for the actual reunion that way.
We sing Norwegian songs at the banquet on Saturday night, and we have a large spread of pictures from past reunions. We always hand out a survey at the end of a reunion asking for preferences, dislikes and ideas, and asking for volunteers. We track down a “head of a branch” of the family to keep us up-to-date.