Reunion West began in the east, on Long Island, New York’s, “Far East.” After graduation in 195l, some Baldwin High School classmates went off to college, but most went to work; girls married young, raised families and stayed.
A few, like class explorer Bill Goodwin, ventured away and settled in places most in the class could only imagine. Bill moved to Montana, where snowy peaks and crisp air were in sharp contrast to sultry flatland towns like Baldwin that dotted the south shore of Long Island.
Almost five decades later, Bill invited classmates to Montana for the first class reunion away. “East goes West” was published in Reunions magazine in Spring 1996. High attendance and the success of Reunion West I in Montana encouraged another reunion away from home.
Three years ago, Bill moved from Montana to Albuquerque, New Mexico. With a southwestern reunion in mind, he began exploring the dry desert region of his new home state. New friends and good community rapport helped direct the southwestern experience for Reunion West II. Bill found the best places to stay, eat and shop in and around Albuquerque. He mapped out side trips and set up tours. After a year of preparation, Reunion West II became the reality that brought “Easterners” to the West for its second reunion away from home. With Bill as a personal guide, what could make for a better way to feel at home away from home?
Note: Baldwin High grads from all classes still gather at Jones Beach for an annual beach party reunion that captures memories of swimming in the cool Atlantic by day and being warmed by shore bonfires (no longer legal) under the stars at night.