In their Grandparenting column, Dee and Tom Hardie reported about the Thornhill Foundation reunion at Tom’s ancestral home, an antebellum cotton plantation in Talladega, Alabama. Their annual reunion is devoted to the clan’s history and upkeep of the family cemetery and research. The Hardies took their 13-year old granddaughter who was fascinated by 50 cousins she met. Her fourth cousin, a perky 82-year old grandmother who recounted a story of a visit to her farm from her three- and five-year old grandchildren. Together they planted wildflowers. The following morning the children rose early and rushed “to pick the wildflowers.” Grandma had to tell the children that the flowers were still sleeping and that Hardies have always been optimistic people!
Submitted by Schuyler C. Brossman from the Reading (PA) Eagle.