To former employees of Ozark’s Fasco plant, it had the telltale signs of a large, long-awaited family reunion. Roy Morisset, the driving force behind the reunion, said it made him smile. When he came up with the idea, news spread mostly by word of mouth.
Morisset, who today owns his own business, misses the camaraderie built during 26 years at Fasco. “You work in a factory with hundreds and hundreds of people for that long, and they know you,” he said.
Conversation and reminiscing continued until late afternoon. Resting under a shady pavilion, Roy Morisset was all grins. He and a good friend swapped stories and jokes, happy to be in the company of one another and old friends.
And even as it was winding down, Morisset was already thinking about the next reunion.
From a story by Matt Lemmon in the Harrison Daily Times, Harrison, Arkansas.