Q & A


Sharon Hill of New Orleans, e-mailed: “I just recently found your web site on reunions. My family and I are having our first annual reunion in Western New York. I am not sure how many people will be coming yet. My sister very kindly volunteered me for the game selection for adults and children. Our family isn’t very large – about 30 people. There is only one elderly person, probably eight people between 40 – 60, eight children under 20 and some babies. I do not have children and am at a loss for games. I would like fun games and not too complicated, not too much preparation or props. I live in New Orleans and will have to transport any items that will be required. Unfortunately, I am starting late so need to get right going with ideas.”


You’re right! You’re starting late. You don’t say how long the reunion will be and for how long you need to entertain people. Are the games for everyone or just the kids? What facilities do you have at your disposal? Swimming? hiking? museums? touring? Check back issues; particularly summer issues for ice breakers and kids’ stuff. Ask someone you know who is an elementary teacher for ideas to entertain kids. Check your local library (probably your best bet at this late date). Is there a genealogist or family historian? Any historical things for everyone to enjoy? Any ethnic items to include? Do you need to consider weather? Hiking in good weather? Museums in bad? Hope this gets you going. EW