by Erika Dreifus
This year, especially, with “biography” so key to the Presidential campaigns, it’s not hard to remember where current candidates attended college. What about the Presidential predecessors? Which campus reunions might they have attended?
See if you can match Presidential alumni with their colleges and universities.
1. John Adams
2. Thomas Jefferson
3. James Madison
4. James K. Polk
5. James Buchanan
6. Ulysses S. Grant
7. Rutherford B. Hayes
8. Theodore Roosevelt
9. Calvin Coolidge
10. Herbert Hoover
11. Dwight David Eisenhower
12. Lyndon Baines Johnson
A. Amherst College, Class of 1895
B. College of William and Mary, Class of 1762
C. Dickinson College, Class of 1809
D. Harvard College, Class of 1755
E. Harvard College, Class of 1880
F. Kenyon College, Class of 1842
G. Princeton University, Class of 1771
H. SW Texas State Teachers College, Class of 1930
I. Stanford University, Class of 1895
J. U.S. Military Academy, West Point, Class of 1843
K. U.S. Military Academy, West Point, Class of 1915
L. University of North Carolina, Class of 1818
Answers: 1.D, 2.B, 3.G, 4.L, 5.C, 6.J, 7.F, 8.E, 9.A, 10.I, 11.K, 12.H
About the author
Erika Dreifus earned a PhD in history from Harvard University. She currently writes and teaches in Massachusetts, where she also edits a free monthly newsletter, The Practicing Writer (
Author James Michener was invited to the White House by then-President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Michener sent his regrets because he had a previous engagement: “Dear Mr. President” he wrote. “I received your invitation three days after I’d agreed to speak at a dinner honoring the wonderful high school teacher who taught me to write. I know you will not miss me at your dinner but she might at hers.
Thank you very much. Your magazine has been very helpful in getting our reunion organized.”
Eleanor Phillips Coody, Class of 1958 Reunion Committee Coordinator, Bushwick High School, Brooklyn New York.