Dorothy Huddleston, Ellinwood, Kansas, wrote looking for humorous material for a Master of Ceremonies and material pertinent “to us oldsters” for a 60th high school reunion.
Have you gone back to a history book? Chronicle of the 20th Century is a good one and there are lots of websites, too. It gives you lots to talk about life back then: prices, styles, world and national events.
These additional thoughts don’t have a lot of humor though I suspect with a little work they could:
Read what the yearbook said about classmates and then document what really happened. If you can get a bunch of yearbooks, read what classmates wrote to each other. How many promises were made? kept? broken?
Distribute a questionnaire before the reunion, tabulate information about your classmates and make a report at your reunion. In other words, find your class’s footprint in time. I’ll guess it’s pretty impressive. How many went into the military? How many went to college? How many children did you all produce? grandchildren? great-grands? What occupations did you pursue? How far did you move away? How many stayed close by?
At the reunion, pose a provocative question and ask everyone to answer: What is the funniest thing you remember about high school? Or, how did life turn out for you?
Talk about how your town has changed since you graduated from high school or how the world has changed. Have someone read one of those impressive lists of things invented/discovered/developed since you graduated from high school.
Editor’s note: What material do you have or have you used that might help Ms. Huddleston? Email the editor or send to Reunions magazine, PO Box 11727, Milwaukee WI 53211.