The third international reunion of about 125 descendants of Richard Lounsberry (ca. 1634 – 1690) was a great success, reports Albert “Al” Lounsbury, Saratoga Springs, New York, about what he refers to as the “L Family Reunion” at the Balsam Shade Resort in Greenville, New York.
Family gathered from many places in the US and Canada. The recreation hall was lively with genealogical research. Members brought computers with a wealth of information stored in them to share family lines, picture displays and genealogy books.
A short skit depicted the family of Richard Lounsberry and Elizabeth Pennoyer, who came from England separately, married and raised six children (five sons and one daughter) in the mid to late 1600s. Volunteers from the audience played roles as family members. Each night there was a bonfire for those who preferred to be outdoors. An auction Saturday produced lots of laughs, good bidders, fun and helped put reunion finances in the black with a little to spare for the next one.