One of the special features of Wisconsin’s Sesquicentennialâ„¢ celebrations was a reunion contest. Hundreds of reunions received commemorative certificates. Six winners, chosen for number of attendees, length of time the group has been meeting and activities they planned, received engraved Sesquicentennial medallions. Director, Dean Amhaus says he learned wonderful stories of important celebrations that share great memories and contributions to Wisconsin’s heritage.
Family reunion winners were the Pronschinske Heritage Reunion of 1,200 members at their ancestral farm in Montana, Wisconsin; the 65th annual Friedrich Seidemann Descendants of America Reunion of 600 at Ray Seideman’s farm in Newburg, Wisconsin; the Voie, Voje, Wole Family Reunion in Scandinavia, Wisconsin, where members toured seven ancestral homesteads; and the 74th reunion of the Treleven Clan in Grafton, Wisconsin, which included two members who attended the first reunion in 1928. Two class reunions were also winners; The Milwaukee County Hospital School of Nursing Class of 1948 and an all-school reunion in Eagle River, Wisconsin.