Registration samples!
Sample registration form (GIF format). Courtesy of the Saffore-Scyffore Family Reunion.
Sample registration form (PDF format or DOC format). Courtesy of the Ponder family.
Sample registration form (PDF format). Courtesy of the Swensson/Mattisson family.
Sample registration form (PDF format). Courtesy of the McNair Brazil Scott family.
Sample registration and payment form (zip file containing 2 PDF files). Courtesy of the Sweeper family.

You know the part of reunion planning when you send invitations and a flood of RSVPs and checks don’t appear immediately? Some invites are thrown into ‘to do’ piles, others are misplaced or forgotten. Writing a check, filling out and mailing forms are road blocks to early response for some. Add the convenience of online registration and see if your members aren’t quicker to respond.
If you’ve ever had the hassle of collecting registration fees from your members, now you can take advantage of high tech help to manage essential administrative duties to make your reunion happen.
The most convenient way to manage your invitation and confirmation process is taking registrations, confirmations and payment online. With online registration, your members can view reunion details, submit their information, register in minutes and pay with a credit card. Immediate email confirmation with reunion details serves as a reminder and ticket to your reunion.
If you’re like most reunion planners, you have neither the time nor the resources to set up a secure online credit card payment service or hire someone to create an online registration system. Myevent.com and Classquest.com provide easy-to-use web tools to manage your entire reunion registration. You set up a customized registration web page for your reunion, showing event details – day, time, place, agenda for the day(s) – with an easy button for attendees to click for signing up and submitting their payment.

All the “heavy lifting” is done for you. You don’t need to purchase additional equipment to process registration or pay merchant account fees. You can easily access the system, view registrations or make changes to your registration page. The system is safe and secure.
Whether you’re planning a family barbecue reunion for 100, an all-school reunion for 5,000 or a military get-together requiring a detailed registration form, you can personalize your entire registration process. Your members pay online while you easily manage all the registration data, at no cost to your reunion.
It’s easy to get started
Similar to other credit card transactions on the Internet, members will pay a small convenience fee. The websites’ secure systems manage all the payments. They send you checks with all payments collected minus convenience fees.
Reunion planners see great result

Beth Mazza, Fairfax, Virginia, planned her Summit High School 20-year reunion using online tools. As class president and committee member for four of her high school reunions, Beth struggled getting classmates to send checks. She wanted an easier registration solution. Putting the service to the test for the first time, nearly forty percent (40%!) of Beth’s classmates registered online.
“I was amazed at how much time and energy online registration saved my committee and classmates,” says Beth. “Getting classmates to pay in advance was a breeze once they learned about online registration and how quick and easy it was. We were able to take credit card payments for the first time which definitely increased attendance. Everyone at the reunion complimented me about being so high-tech.”
Beth was able to view her attendee list all through the registration process, tracking head count and streamlining

event day preparations. “For our previous reunions, we didn’t have a good idea about the number of attendees because everyone just paid at the door rather than mailing a check. With online registration, I had a good idea about the number of people who planned to attend and was able to have tickets and name badges ready at the check-in desk,” adds Beth.
Online donation adds to success
The days of putting a piggy bank on the registration table or writing solicitation letters to classmates to help front reunion costs are over. Some services allow members to donate online to general reunion funds, a special scholarship or raise money for some common cause. By adding an online donation option to your registration page, your members can submit donations online when they register for your reunion. Donation confirmation is acknowledged.
Registration Videos!
Everyone agonizes over registration deadlines. These videos demonstrate the incentive used by the Gillyard/Johnson/Mahoney Family Reunion to encourage early registration. What we like is that the committee is having as much fun as the winners!