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1st AF 7th EM R SQ
1st Fighter Control Squadron
2nd Fighter Squad, 52nd Fighter Grp
2nd Pursuit Squadron (became Second Fighter Squadron) of the 52nd FIghter Group of the 8th, 12th and 15th Air Force WWII3rd Air Depot Group WWII
5th AF 314 Comp Wng/HQ and HQ Sq
5th AF 502 Tactical Control Grp
5th AF HQ VBC 5th Bomb Command WWII
5th AF, 314 Comp Wng/HQ and HQ Sq& 5th Bomb Command WWII
5th AF, 405th Signal Co
5th AF, 502 Tactical Control Grp, Korea
5th AF, 5th Station Hosp WWII
5th AF, 80th Service Grp WWII
5th AF, 8th Photo Recon Sqn WWII
5th AF, Hq&Hq Sqd 314th Composite Wing WWII & Korea
5th AF/47th and 30th SS
5th Air Force 314 Composite Wing Reunion
5th Air Force, 5th Station Hospital, 108th Station Hospital Reunion WWII
5th Air Force, 66th Service Sqdn,WWII
5th Air Force, 80th Service Group WWII
5th Air Force: Hq & Hq Sqd. 314th Composite Wing, 5th Station Hospital, 405 Signal Co., Hq VBC 5th Bomb Command 6th Bomb Group Assn, Tinian Island 1944-1945 WWII
6th Bomb Wing7th Air Commando Squadron, 7th Special Operations Flight and 7th Special Operations Squadron
7th Avn Fd Depot Sqdn
7th Fighter Command
7th LSS, 7th ATS. 58th MASS8th Special Operations Squadron 100th Anniversary & Eagle Claw Memorial
8th AF Historical Society WWII and Korea
8th AF, 303rd BG WWII
8th AF, 436th Fighter Squadron, 479th Fighter Gp
8th AF, 446th Bomb Grp WWII
8th AF, 7th Photo Recon Group, Mt Farm, Eng, Unit Rendezvous with 8AFHigh School WWII
8th AF/303rd BG
8th AF/7th Photo Recon
8TH Air Force Scouts / Scouting Force Association WWII
8th Air Force, 446th Bomb Group WWII
8TH Gasco/9TH Air Force Reunion
8th Photo Recon Squadron9th BG Assn
10 SAC B-36 Wings
11th US ASA Field Station, a.k.a. FS 8611 DU, a.k.a. FS 8611 AAU
11th, 12th, 616th Tac Recon, Korea Japan
12th Troop Carrier Sqdn 50-55
13th Air Force; 29th Air Service Group
13th Bomb Squadron Association
17th Signal Battalion Assn.
17th Troop Carrier Sqdn, 17th Tactical Airlift Sqdn Firebirds
18th Fighter Interceptor Squadron
19th Bomb Group/Wing 1932-1983 – 19th Air Refueling Group/Wing
19TH Bomb Group WWII20th AF/73rd BW Assn WWII
20th Air Dpt Grp, 12th MAAF, 15th AF, WWII
20th and 81st Tactical Fighter Wings assigned to RAF Woodbridge and Bentwaters Bases
20th Cmbt Mapping Sqdn, 6th Photo Group, 91st Rcon Wing, 5th AF,
21st/6461st Troop Carrier Squadron (Kyushu Gypsies), Korean War
22nd Bomb Squadron Assn, China-Burma-India, WWII
23rd Photo Reconnaissance Squadron WWII
25th BG (ARN) Assn WWII
28th Bomb Wing Assn30th Communications Squadron
33rd Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron (PRS) of the 9th Air Force Reunion WWII
33rd Troop Carrier Squadron (354 TCG) WWII57th Alumni Association (TCS, MAS, AS & WPS)
57th FIS Iceland
58th Bomb Wing Association
58th Fighter Assn, 69th, 310th, 311th, USAF, 201st Mexican Sqn70th Infantry Division WWII
72nd-86th Air Services Sqdn
75th Air Depot Assoication
76th and Group HQ, 77th, 78th Troop Carrier SQ
79th Fighter Bomber Squad at Woodbridge RAF80th Service Group, 502 Tactical Control Group Reunion WWII
85th Aircraft Repair Squadron, Erding, Germany
86th Fighter-Bomber Group (WWII) Association
90th Bomb Squadron Assoc Korea
90th SRW Assn
91st Strategic Reconnaissance Wing Association Reunion
92nd Airborne Squad, 5th Air Force WWII
94th Bomb Group,
97th Bomb Group Reunion
97th Bomb Wing105th Airlift Wing, New York National Guard
126/38/66 Air Police Squadrons (Laon, France), 1952 to 1967
128th/494th FBS173rd Airborne Brigage “Sky Soldiers”
310th Ftr Sq
310th PS, FS WWII
310th PS, FS, 310th FBS, 310FS, WWII, Korea, Luke AFB
311th Fighter Squadron(WWII) and 311th Fighter Bomber Squadron (Korea)
311th Pursuit Sqd, Fighter Sqd and Fighter Bomber Sqd WWII
317th Troop Carrier Wing Veterans Reunion
319th Fighter Interceptor Squadron
320th BG 1942-89
320th Bomb Grp B-26
321st Signal Company Wing of WWII
329th FIS, George AFB, Victorville, California
330th & 331st Fighter Interceptor Squadrons341st BG/22nd BS WWII
342nd Service Squadron
344th Bmb Grp & 494, 495, 496, 497 Sqdns WWII
34th ARS
34th Bmb Grp/8th AF
34th Bomb Squadron Reunion
356th Fighter Group, 359th, 360th, 361st Fighter Squadron
35th Maint. Mtr. Veh. & Supply Squadron
35th Supply Sqdn
3641st Flight Line Maintenance Sqdn, Laredo AFB, TX
3650th Basic Military Training Group, Sampson AFB
36th Motor Vehicle Sqn of the 36th Fighter Bomber Wing
376th Heavy Bombardment Group
381st Bomb Group WWII
388th Bomb Group WWII
38th ADG Repair Squad WWII
38th Bomber Group Reunion
38th Missile Tactical Wing USAFE
390th Bomb Group Veterans Assn WWII
3910 Bomb Group, 7th Air Div
391st Bomb Group Association (WWII)
41st MAS Alumni Assn
435 Troop Carrier Group
435th Troop Carrier Group Reunion
436th Fighter Squad-8th Air Force
436th Fighter Squadron-479th Fighter Group-8th AF WWII
440th TGC/96th TCS
446th Bomb Group (H), 8th Air Force
44th Air Refueling Squadron
44th Bomb Group, 8th Air Force WWII
451th, 455th, 461st, 484th Bombardment Groups
454th Bomb Sqdn, 323rd Bomb Group WWII
459th Bomb Group (WWII), 15th Air Force
459th Bomb Grp (WWII), 15th Air Force WWII
459th Wing and 756th Squadron Flying Mission Reunion
461st Bombardment Group (H) Reunion WWII
461st Bombardment Group / 484th Bombardment Group Joint Reunion WWII
464th BG WWII Pantanella Italy WWII
464th Troop Carrier Wing Reunion WWII
46th and 72nd Reconnaissance Squadrons(1946-1955)
475th Ftr. Gp, 5th AF WWII
483rd Bomb Group Reunion WWII
484th and 461st Bomb Groups Association of WWII
490th Bombardment Group
491st BG WWII
493rd Bombardment Group of WWII
4th Anit Aircraft Artillery, SCARWWAF’s, R.A.F. Stations, England 1950/1953, Wyton, Mildenhall, Lakenheath, Upper-Heyford, Fairford and all satellite stations.
4th Fighter Interceptor Wing
502 Tactical Control Group, Korea
505th Bombardment Group Reunion WWII
506th Fighter Group
506th Fighter Wing
511th Group, 613th, 847th, 848th AC&W Sq’s and 39th AD, ADCC Japan AC&W Sites
515th Fighter Interceptor Squadron
51st Fighter Interceptor Wing Assn.
51st Fighter Interceptor Wing Korea
525th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, Landsthul and Bitburg
52nd Air Rescue Squadron-Flight B 6th ARS
52nd Combat Aviation Battalion Association Vietnam
52nd Fighter Group, 2nd, 4th, and 5th Squadrons Reunion WWII
530th/9th Aviation Squadron WWII
545th BG WWII
551st SMS (Strategic Missle Squadron) WWII
567th Strategic Missile Sqn6:36II Radar Squadron
601st Tactical Control Wing & all Subordinate (Germany 1945-95)
605th ACS
613th, 847th848th AC&W Squadrons and 511th AC&W Group (KOR)
614th Tactical Control Group
63rd Troop Carrier Wing (H) Reunion / Air Force Reunion
66 FIS
66th Service Squad, 5th Air Force
67th Reconnaissance Technical Squadron (USAF) Association Reunion
686th ACWRON
6911th ESS Metro Tango Reunion
6911th Radio Group Mobile
692nd Radar Squadron Baudette MN753rd Aircraft Control and Warning Sqn
780th BS
782nd Bomb Squadron, 465 Bomb Group, 55th Wing of the 15th Air Force303rd Bob Wg Assn B-47s
303rd Bomb Group Molesworth England WWII
308th Airdrome Squadron, 5th AF, South Pacific WWII812th MVSqn/Base Refuel/Walker AFB
82nd Airborne Division Association Reunion, COHORT
857th Med Group
874th Aircraft Control & Warning Squadron: Inoges A.S., Spain Reunion
876th Airborne Engineer Aviation Battalion Reunion WWII3389th Pilot Training Squadron
7236 Ammunition Squadron
9510th Air Force Recovery Squadron and 9622nd Air Force Reserve SquadronAAF/USAF Crash Rescue Boat Assoc
ACA/Hurlburt Reunion
AF 56B Pilot Class
AFA USAF 50th Anniversary
Air Commando Assn WWII
Air Commando Association (ACA) Reunion WWII
Air Corps WWII
Air Force (EC-121/WV-2 AEW) (Airborne Early Warning Aircraft) Reunion Vietnam
Air Force Reunion
Air Rescue Association (ARA) Reunion
Air Weather Assn.
Aircrew Life Support/ Flight and Survival Equipment (USAF PE/ALS /AFE/SE)
Airlift Squadron Firebirds Reunion
Alamo Wing
American Beagle Squadron
Ark – La – Tex POW Luncheon
ASA Philippines/Clark AFB
Aviano Reunion Assn.
Aviation Cadet Class 43-K Reunion
Aviation Cadet Class 54-J Reunion
AvnCadet Class of 43E Reunion
AW/CCE Reunion
B-17C Tail Number 40-2072 Crash Reunion / Air Commando Assn WWII
B-25 Squadron of the Commemorative Air Force – Doolittle Tokyo Raiders WWII
BAD 2 (Wharton, England) Reunion
Battan-Corregidor Survivors and Female POWs
Birkenfelder Reunion Assn Reunion
Bombardier Alumni Assn Reunion
Buckingham AAF/Ft. Myers AAF, Students and Staff Reunion
Burtonwood Base Veterans Reunion WWII
C-7a Caribou Association Reunion
Catm/Samtu/Usaf Gunsmith/Usaf Marksmanship Reunion
Clark Base School Reunion
Donaldson Air Force Base Reunion
Doolittle Raiders Reunion WWII
Doolittle Tokyo Raiders Reunion WWII
Dow AFB Reunion
Eagle Squadron Reunion WWII
Eighth Air Force Reunion WWII
Empire Air Force Station, 752nd AC&W Sqdn Reunion
Firebirds, 17th Troop Carrier Squadron, 17th Tactical Airlift Squadron Reunion
Florida Chapter of the 8th Air Force Reunion
Flying Tigers of the 14th Air Force Association Reunion
Flying Tigers Reunion WWII
FS, FIS & FTS Association Reunion
Geeia/MDA/EL Reunion
George Field Reunion
George Field, AAF Training Command Pilot School
Grnd Elec Eng Installation Agency/Mob Dep Actvty/Eng Installation Grp Pettit Clan
Iceland Radar Sites 932nd, 667th, 933rd and 934th AC&W Squadrons, better known as H-1, H-2, H-3, and H-4
Lake Lure Army Air Force Rest/Rehab Center Reunion
Mandarin Air Force Aural Comp Reunion
Matador/MACE Missileers
Mid-Atlantic chapter, 11th Airborne, Air Assault Division Reunion
Millville Army Air Field 1943-35
Morbach Ammunition Squadrons Reunion
Nathan Crew in the 314th Wing of the US Air Force’s 29th Bomb Group, WWII Reunion
Night Rustics Reunion, Vietnam
Nuclear Weapons Technicians Convention
P-47 Thunderbolt Pilots Association
P-51 “Mustangs” Pilots Reunion
Pardo’s Push
PB4Y All Squadrons, Liberators, and Privateers Reunion
PBM Mariner-P5M Marlin Reunion
Pil Class 54Q Marana/Williams AFB Reunion
Pilot Class 44D-Luke Field, WWII Reunion
Pilot Training Class 49B Reunion
Rad Relay, 1st Reunion
RAF Mildenhall Firefighters Reunion
Red Dawg Assn (12th Missile Squadron) Reunion
RED HORSE and Prime BEEF Association
RF101 (Voodoo) Pilots Reunion
Sampson AFB (3650th BMTW) Vets Assn Reunion
Sampson Air Force Base Reunion
Second Fighter Squadron of the 52nd Fighter Group of the 8th, 12th, and 15th Air Force Reunion/ AMERICAN BEAGLE SQDRN ALUMNI, 52ND FIGHTER GROUP WWII
Signal Service & ASA Okinawa Personnel 1945-1970 Reunion
TAC Missilers Reunion, 1952-1969 Reunion
Tan Son Nhut Assn Reunion
Thailand-Laos-Cambodia Brotherhood (TLCB) Vietnam War Veterans Reunion
The Peaceful Commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of the Atomic Missions Reunion WWII
Torrejon Air Base, Spain (all years) Reunion
Tuskegee Airmen, WWII 60th Anniversary/Reunion
Tuskegee Airmen’s Lonely Eagle Ceremony / Reunion
United States Air Force, 50th Anniversary Reunion
US Air Force Reunion, Class of 65-F
USAF Academy Drum & Bugle Corp Reunion, Vietnam era
USAF Aleutian Islands Veterans Reunion
USAF MSC Assn Reunion
USAF OCS Classes 63A/B/C Reunion
USAF Pilot Class 53 Reunion
USAF Pilot School Class Reunion
USAF Pinetree Line Reunion
USAF TAC Tankers Assn Reunion
USAF Texas Tower Veterans ReunionEngland
223 Entry Reunion, Royal Air Force, ex Apprentices1st Armored Div Assn
1st AVN BDE/17th AVN GP/52nd CMBT AVN BN
1st Battalion 83rd Artillery (Vietnam 1966-1971)
1st Battalion-152nd Inf-38th Cyclone Division Reunion
1st Cav. Fort Lewis, Washington, Northwest Chapter Reunion
1st Cavalry Div “Jumping Mustangs”
1st Infantry Division Reunion
1st MP Company, 1st Infantry Div
1st Signal Brigade Vietnam
1/8th Calvary Jumping Mustangs
2/77th Field Artillery
2nd (Indianhead) Inf Div WWI, WWII
2nd and 5th Fgh Sq, HQ Dt, 52d Fgh GP
2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment, 2nd BN, Company F (1957-1959) Vietnam
2nd Brigade 3rd Armored Division Gelnhausen 2011
2nd Cavalry
2nd Chemical Mortar Bn, and 461st Infantry Bn
2nd Division Assn. (Indianhead)
2nd Eng Special Brig Amphibs
2nd Med Rgt/Bn, 2 Inf Div San Antonio TX
2nd Msl Bn/71st Arty
3rd 4.2 Chemical Mortar Bn.
3rd Armored Division Veterans
3rd Army 456 AAA AW Bn WWII
3rd Battalion, 32nd Armor, 24th Inf, 2nd Battalion, 70th Armor, Augsburg Germany
3rd Battalon 71st Air Defense Artillery
3rd Brigade of the 9th Infantry Division, Headquarters & Headquarters Company Reunion, Vietnam
3rd Btn Royal Australian Regiment
3rd Cavalry Group
3rd Cavalry, 50th Anniversary Reunion
3rd Engineer Battalion
3rd Infantry Div
3rd Infantry Div Society
3-5 Radio Research Unit Reunion
4th Battalion, 39th Infantry, Band of Brothers who served with Col David Hackworth
4th Battalion, 39th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division, Vietnam 1966-1969, Bear Cat and Dong Tam
4th Battalion, 503rd Parachute Infantry Regiment Reunion
4th BN 9th Infantry 25th Div
4th Cavalry Assn
4th Inf Div, 8th Reg, 2nd Bat WWII
4th Msl Bn, 28th Arty
4th, 5th 124th, and 125th Trans Com, Army Boat Co, Truck Co, Stevedore Units and 8th, 48th, 500th and 507th Trans Grps
4th. Battalion, 39th. Infantry Regiment, 9th. Infantry Division, Vietnam 66-69
5th Armored Div
5th Army Band of Ft. Sheridan, IL
5th Infantry Div Red Diamond Chorus and 43rd Div Winged Victory Chorus
5th Regimental Combat Team Assn (Korea)
5th Squadron
5th US Cav Assn
6th Armored Division, Co B 9th AIB WWII
6th Bn, 80th Artillery
6th Heavy Tank Company A. 26th RCT, 10th Corps
6th Infantry Assm
6th US Cavalry Association, Civil War
6th Weather SQ (Mobile)
6/502nd Infantry, Berlin Brigade
6/77th Field Artillery Vietnam
7th Engineer Battalion
7th Engr Bn, 5th Inf Div
7th ID/80th/FA/6th Bn, 7th Infantry Division
7th Inf Regt “Cottonbalers” Assn
7/15 Artillery
9th and 10th Cavalry Buffalo Soldiers Reunion
9th Armored Div, 2nd Tank Bn
9th Armour Division WWII
9th Infantry Div, 3rd Brigade, Viet Nam
9th Infantry Division WWII Reunion WWII
9th Reunion of Bombardiers WWII
10th Armored Division “Ghost Division” Reunion, WWII
10th Corps, Korea
11th Air Assault Co. B, 1stBn, 187th Inf
11th Airborne Division Association
11th annual Reunion of the Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association
11th Armored Cavalry Veterans of Vietnam and Cambodia
11th Engineer Battalion Assn
11th Evac Hosp, WWII
12th Evac Hosp Desert Storm
12th Evac Hosp/212th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital
12th Evacuation Hospital Vietnam
13th Armored Division of WWII Veterans WWII
14th Cavalry Military Reunion
14th Signal Corps. Ft. Richardson AK
15th Field Artillery
15th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry (1861-1864) Descendants and Friends, Civil War
16th Communications Construction Squadron
17th Airborne Division Association Reunion WWII
17th Bomb Group(WWII) adn 17th Bomb Wing (KOR) (AAF/USAF) WWII
17th Photo Recon Sqdn and Related units
17th Transportation Detachment army unit, stationed at Boscomantico Air Field, Verona, Italy
20th Armored Div
21st AAA Headquarters Group ETo
22nd Bomb Squadron Assn/341st Bomb Grp WWII
22nd Ord Service Bn
22nd US Colored Troops, Civil War
24th and 28th Machine Records Unit WWII
24th Inf Div Assn
24th Inf Rgt, 77th Engr Cmbt Co, 159th FA, 512th MP Co
24th Infantry Regiment – Buffalo Soldiers Reunion
25th Inf DIv Assn
25th Infantry Wolfhounds Reunion Vietnam
27th Army Eng Combat
27th Div WWII
27th Inf. Div. and all attached units
27th Infantry Regiment (The Wolfhounds) Historical Society
25th Infantry Division Association and the 12th Evac Hospital
28th Bomb Wing Assn
32nd Inf Div POC
33rd Inf Div
34D Cavalry Brave Rifles
35th Inf Div
35th Infantry Regiment Association
36th Infantry Div Assn WWII
37th CA Trans Det (SS Ile De France) Gun Crew
38th Div/152nd Inf/1st Batt
40th Cavalry Recon Troop WWII
40th ED/140th Tank BN (Korea)
40th In Div Avn Co.
41st Infantry Division, Association National Convention
42nd Infantry Division, “Rainbow Division” Reunion WWII
43rd Infantry Division Reunion
44th Eng Combat Bn Assn
45th Div H & S Co 120th Eng
45th Division “Thunderbirds” Companies I, E, and K, 180th Infantry Regiment WWII
45th Infantry Division Association
47th Bombardment Group Assn
49th Air Dpt Grp Attach Units WWII
51st Signal Battalion
54th Sig Bn (includes 167th Sig Co, 313 Sig Co and 209th Sig Det.)
54th Troop Carrier Wing HQ
55th General Hospital WWII
57th Annual Fifth Armored Division
57th Assault Helicopter Company/615th Maintenance Detachment Vietnam
57th FA Bn 7th Inf Div
57th Field Artillery Battalion
57th Signal Battalion WWII
58th Fighter Grp, 58th Pursuit Grp, 58th Fighter Bomber Grp, Mexican 201st Fighter Sq
58th Ord. Ammo. Co.
59th Eng Const Bn Assn WWII
62nd WWII 9th Infantry Division Association Reunion WWII
63rd Infantry Division Assn
69th Armored Reg
69th Ftr Sq, 58th Ftr Grp/69th Ftr-Bmr Sq
71st Infantry Division Soldiers and Concentration Camp Survivors Reunion WWII
74th Engineer Co LP
77th Artillery Assn
78th AAA Gun Bn
78th Troop Carrier Sqdn (TCS)
80th Anniversary Reunion
80th Infantry Division Association WWI AND WWII
81st Div Artillery HQ& HQ Btry
82nd Engineer Combat Battalion Association WWII
82nd Rainbow Division Reunion
83rd Inf Div 329th Inf CO E
84th Engineer Aviation Battalion WWII
85th Bomb Sq
86th Blackhawk Division Assn
86th Chemical Mortar Battalion WWII
86th Inf Div WWII
86th Ord Co Assn
91st Bomb Group WWII
91st Infantry Division Assn WWII
92nd Field Artillery Regiment Reunion
92nd US Infantry Div & 106th US Infantry Div
95th AAA Gun Battalion (1951-1952) Korea
95th Medical Gas Treatment
97th Div, 303rd Inf, Co d
97th Infantry Division Company B, 387 Regiment Reunion WWII
98th BG/BW Vets Assn
98th Inf Div WWII
100th Infantry
102nd Infantry Div Assn
103rd Colored Division Reunion
103rd Medical Battalion and Regiment Association of the 28th Infantry Division, WWII
104th Infantry Timberwolves Division
104th Reg 26th Inf
106th Infantry DIv
108th Inf Rgt, WWII
115th Engineering Battalion (40th Division) of WWII
117th General Hospital/Bristol WWII
121 Coy Rasc Agra Baor 16
126th & 173rd FA BNS, WWII
127th Infantry Group WWII
127th, 161st, 216th and 219th Bns
128th AAA Gun Bn 3rd Army WWII
129th AAA Gun Battalion
132nd Assault Support Helicopter Co. Americal Div/Ft Dix, NJ Co D-4-3/Ft. Eustis VA Class #101 (CH-47 Repair)
134th Assault Helicopter Company
147th Inf Rgt, Co K WWII
148th Ordnance MVA CO of WWII
149th WAAC Company
151st Combat Engineers, Korea 1950-1954
152nd Inf-38th “Cyclone” Div, 1st Battalion
158th RCT (Bushmaster)
163rd Engineers Combat Battalion WWII
164th Engineer Combat Bn WWII
165th Inf. Rgt, 27th Inf. Div (Old Fighting 69th Inf. Rgt) WWI
168th Inf Regt
174th Assault Helicopter Company Association Reunion Vietnam
184th Infantry Association WWII
188th Cmbt Engr Bn
189th Assault Helicopter Co, 604th Trans, Det. 519th Med Det & 6th Signal Det.
196th Light Infantry Brigade
199th/5th Armored Division Army Bands Reunion
209th AAA Battalion A Battery
217th Field Artillery Btn, 44th Inf Div, 7th Army
220th Recon Airplane Co (Catkiller22) 1ST AVN BDE, U.S. Army Vietnam
221st Army Band
226th Signal Operations Co
227th Assault Helicopter Battalion 2017 reunion of Vietnam Veterans
243d Field Artillery Bn WWII
243rd Port Co. Co B 495th Port Bn
247th Engr Combat Bn
254th Field Artillery Bat
260th Artillery Group 260th, 340th, 380th, AA, CA, AAA (WWII and Korea)
265th FA BN/BTY
280th Eng Com Bn Assn
281st Assault Helicopter Co
28th General Hospital (USA), Korea
291st Combat Engineer Bn
303rd FA Bn Assn
304th Signal Operations BN WWII Reunion
307th Infantry Veterans Society 77th Division
314th Infantry, 79th Reconnaissance Troop of 79th Inf Div, 313th, 315th Inf of the 79th Inf.
315th Inf Rgt Assn, WWII
328th Inf Cmbt Tm/26th Id
328th Radio Research Company/Detachment Reunion Vietnam
337th-1338th Combat Engineers
346th Regimental Army Engineers
361st Infantry Assn WWII
364th Fighter Gp, 8th AF & Support Units Honington Eng WWII
390th AAA-AW Bn WWII
397th AAA Bn, 40 MM Anti-Aircraft Bn
413th/523rd Army Ord
435th OMS Enroute Maintenance personnel, Rhein Main AB, Germany
440th Signal Battalion, all eras WWII Japan Korea Germany Croatia
440th, 465th, 467th, and 472nd Sig Btn
443rd Signal Heavy Construction BN
446th Engr Base Dpt Co
451st Bomb Group (H), Ltd. 15th Army Air Force 49th Bomb Wing WW-II, Italy
460th Anti-Aircraft Automatic Weapons Battalion Battery D
467th QM Trk Rgt, CoM, Oversea’s #3632
501st BN/CO A/71st
507th Engineers, Depot Maint, Toul Engineer Depot, Toul, France
509th Engineer Company (PB) Vietnam 1965-1971
511th Para Inf Assoc.
513th AAA Gun Battalion/Hdqtrs A,B,C & D
516th Signal Co (’48-’55–AUSTRIA)
517th FA Bn
521st Transportation Co, Ft Richardson AK (July 1953- 1955)
526th AIB
527TH AG Personnel SVCS CO Vietnam 66-72
528th Fighter Bomber Squadron Flying A-36 and P-51
535th Quarter Master Salvage Repair Co
544 EB & SR WWII
547th Eng Batt, Reunion and Memorial Plaque Installation
548 Light Maintenance Vietnam Reunion
550th Signal Company Reunion
565th AAA AW Bn WWII
569AAA Btl Hq Co
577th Engineering Battalion 18th Brigade Vietnam
588th Maintenance Co
588th Signal Dept Co WWII
591st Engineers LE
602nd Tank Destroyer Battalion
602nd TB Bn Assn
609 Tank Destroyer Batallion
660th Troop Carrier Group WWII
705th/85th AAA Gun Bn Battery “B”Okinawa 1951-1954
709th Military Police Bn
712th Transportation Railway Operating Battalion (WWII & Korean War)
716th MP Vietnam
718th Amph Tr Bn WWII
720th MP Bn
726th Military Police Battalion Assoc WWII
735th Military Police BN
736th Medium Tank RN (SP)
739TH AAA Gun Battalion WWII 1943-1946
754th FA Bn
745th Tank Bn
761st Tank Battalion Memorial
774 Tank Destroyers Battalion Reunion
781st Tank Battalion
778th AAA SP
787 CoD Tank Bn
793rd Military Police Battalion Association
801st Aviation Engineers Reunion
802nd Fa Bn
807th Tank Destroyer Battalion
810th Ordnance WWII
832nd Signal Service Bn (WWII)
854th Eng Aviation Bn, 854th Spearheaders
854th Engineer Aviation Batt WWII
854th Spearheaders (854th Engr Avn Bn) WWII
864th Eng Avn Bn
873rd Engineer Aviation Battalion WWII
878th Ordinance HAM
87th Infantry Division Association Reunion WWII
88th Infantry Div & TRUST Troopers, SE Chapter
893rd Signal Co Depot Aviation WWII
928th Engineer AViation Group Headquarters
974th/975th Field Artillery Bn
1019th Engineer Treadway Bridge Co
1092nd Engineer Combat Battalion (Army)
1575th Eng Heavy Shop Co WWII
3119th Signal Service Battalion WWII
311th Ftr Sq, 311th Ftr-Bmr Sq, 58th Ftr Grp, 58th Ftr-Bmr Grp WWII
6670th Women’s Army Corps, Rebecca Ramsey & Fran Reeve Reunion
6981st Inf Rifle CO 1945
8605th, AAU, 5th ASA FS, 2nd Sig Svc BN Stationed in HIA Battery 880 FA 69th Div.
A-37 Combat Dragons (All Who Flew)
Air Transport Squadron 222
Altus Aces Family Reunion
Arillery OCS Reunion
Armored Cavalry Reunion Vietnam
Army Air Corp Primary Trng Schl
Army Air Corp-Kelly Field and Duncan Field, 1935 WWII
Army Air Corps POWs Incarcerated at Stalag 17b Reunion WWII
Army Air Corps Primary Trng Schl
Army Officer Class 15, “The King’s Men” Reunion
Army Security Agency (ASA) Korean War Veterans Reunion
Army Transportation Assn Vietnam
Army Women’s Reunion Celebration
Army’s 442nd Regimental Combat Team WWII
ASA stationed in Helemano, HI, 8605th AAU, 5th ASA FS, Det 5, 2nd Sig Svc Bn.
ASA (Army Security Agency) Okinawa Association
ASA Okinawa Association Okinawa (Sobie/Torii Station)
Back to the Philippines (60th Annv Manila liberation) WWII
Bamberg Germany 125th FSB, HHC, A, B, C Co.
Bataan, Corregidor and former Prisoners of War of the Far East Reunion WWII
Battalion MTC Platoon 2nd BN 70th Armor/24th Inf Div
Berlin Airlift Veterans Assn Reunion
Big Red One Annual Reunion
Btry “A”, 880 FA Bn Reunion
C/F Battery 26th Art 108th Art Gp Reunion
Camp Fannin (TX) Infantry Replacement Training Reunion
Camp Fannin Assn Reunion
CASV #21, NAS Hilo Hawaii Reunion
CH-54 Skycrane Association Reunion Vietnam
Chemical Mortar Battalion Reunion Korea
Co B, 62nd Sig BnReunion
Co C 322nd Inf Reg, 81st Inf Wildcat Div Reunion WWII
Co C, 3rd Bn, 22nd Inf, 4th & 25th, VN 66-71 Reunion
Co C. 410th Inf 103rd Div Reunion WWII
Co D 303rd Inf 97th Div Reunion
Co D of the 787 Tank Battalion Reunion
Co D, 124th Inf Rgt, 31st Div Reunion
Co K Schrienfurt Group 1956/1957 Reunion
Co. C 322nd Inf Reg, 81st iNf Wildcat Div Reunion WWII
Combat Infantrymens Association Reunion
Company 4660 Bainbridge Boot Camp Reunion
Company C 322nd Inf Reg of the 81st Inf Wildcat Div Reunion WWII
Company C, 311th Inf Reg, 81st Inf Wildcat Div WWII
Company Q-8 Pershing Rifles Hofstra University Reunion
D 1/11 5th Inf Div (VN, ’68-’71)
Daspo Family Reunion
Doug Douglas 1st Cav 11th ACR Reunion Vietnam
Dusters (Twin-40 MM) Quad-50s and Searchlights, Delta to DMZ Batteries Reunion
Early Vietnam Veterans Reunion (formerly MAAG Vietnam Reunion Group)
Easy Company, 506th Regiment, US 101st Airborne Division Reunion WWII
Eighth Amtrac Battalion Association WWII
Eightieth Division Veterans Association
F Co 253rd 63 Div 389th 98 Div 325th 82 Div Reunion
Fifth Army Band Veterans Reunion
First Platoon E Company Reunion WWII
FLC, FLSG-A and FLSG-B (Vietnam) Reunion
Flight Nurses Association
Force Recon Associaiton Reunion
Fourth Replacement Depot Reunion WWII
Fourth World Wide Gathering of L-Birds Reunion
Ft Richardson Alaska Army Vets Reunion
Ft. Richardson Alaska Army Reunion
Gen. MacArthur Honor Guard Assn Reunion
Georgia Army National Guard’s 101st Air Defense Artillery Battalion Reunion
GHQ Fec/H&S Cmd/Staff Bn/ Co Reunion
H&S Company 287 Engineers C Battalion CE Reunion
Herzo Base, Herzogenaurach, Germany, 6th Army Security Agency Field Station
ILPA (ECIG) East Coast Reunion
International Society of the 173rd Airborne Brigade Reunion
Iwo Jima Reunion
Japanese Association of Iwo Jima Reunion
Jungle Warfare School Inactivation Reunion
Korean War Memorial
Kusen Family Reunion
Labor Supervision Companies, Germany 1945-1949
Lance Missile & MLRS Veterans 2019 Reunion
Minnesota National Guard Company F, 747th Maintenance Battalion Reunion
Minnesota National Guards 135th Infantry Reunion
MP Escort Guard Companies/Ft Custer MI Reunion
Nat’l Timberwolf Assn, 104th Inf Div Reunion
National 4th Infantry (IVY) Division Association Reunion
National Dusters, Quads & Searchlights Association, Vietnam Reunion
National Guard Company D, 151st Airborne Rangers, 151st Infantry Reunion
National Timberwolf Association, 104th Infantry Division, WWII Reunion
New York Army National Guard’s 27th Infantry Division Association, Appleknockers Post 105 Reunion
North African Division, Air Transport Command Reunion
Otter-Caribou Assn Reunion WWII, Korea, Vietnam
Outpost Harry Survivors Assn Reunion
OV-1 Mohawk Assn Reunion
Panmunjom JSA Reunion
Patrol Squadron 22 Reunion
Red River Army Association
Riverine Infantry 9th Infantry Division Reunion Vietnam
“Sand In Our Boots” WWII Veterans Reunion
Second Engineer Special Brigade Reunion
SHAEF and HQ ETO-USA Reunion
Signal Corps, Vietnam Reunion
Society of 3rd Inf Div and Support Units
Society of the Fifth Division
Son Tay Raider Associatioin and SouthWest Chapter of the Special Forces Associaiton Reunions
Southern Japan Radar Sites, 610th ACWSq, 618th ACWSq, 527 ACWGp, all Detachments 1947 – 1961
Special Forces Golden Anniversary Reunion
Special Operations Association Reunion
Sunbelt Chapter, 43rd Inf. Div. Vets Assn Reunion
Tenth Mountain Division Troops Reunion
Third Infantry Division
US Armed Services Personel/ Veterans who received the Presidential Service Badge Reunion
US Army 1252nd Engineer Combat Battalion Companies A, B, C, H, and S, WWII Reunion
US Army 472 Military Police Company Reunion
US Army 516th Signal Company Reunion
US Army Black Cavalry Buffalo Soldiers Reunion
US Army OCS Alumni Assoc Reunion
US Army Vietnam – Dusters, Quads, Searchlights, Vulcans, HAWK
US Army Warrant Officers Assn Reunion
US Army’s 99th Division Reunion
US ASA (FS) Reunion
US Field Artillery Assn Reunion
USS Endymion ARL-9 Reunion
Vinh Long Outlaws Association (all former Outlaws, Mavericks, Bushwhackers, legacy units and support elements) Reunion
[/expandsub6]29th Division of the National Gaurd’s 111th Field Artillery Regiment WWII
Coast Guard Combat Vet Assn Reunion WWII
Galloo Island, Sackets Harbor Reunion
LST 202 Reunion
North Coast New York Coast Guard Assn Reunion
Patrol Frigate Reunion
St. Simons Island US Coast Guard Reunion Reunion
US Coast Guard Cutter Mackinaw Reunion
US Coast Guard Cutter Winona Reunion
US Coast Guard Cutters Storis, Bramble, and Spar Reunion
USCGC Campbell W-32 W-909 Assn Reunion
USCGC Chase (WHEC-718) Reunion
USCGC Courier Reunion
USCGC Modoc (W-46) Reunion
USS Aquarius Reunion
USS Biddle (DLG/CG-34) Reunion
USS Brunswick (PF-68)/USS Peoria (PF-67) Reunion
USS Callaway Reunion
USS Callaway, WWII Reunion
USS Calloway (APA-35) Reunion WWII
USS Cepheus Reunion WWII
USS Corry DD/DDR 817110th Trans Co, Ton Son Nhut
124th Annual Soldiers Reunion
12th Annual Reunion of the Korean War Veterans Association
141 Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps Bellerophon Farewell Reunion
15th Air Force, 483rd Bombardment Group Association
163rd General Hospital WWII
190th Air Refueling Wing, Kansas Air National Guard “The Kansas Coyotes” Reunion
1st Emergency Rescue Squadron (ERS)
1st Field Force/15th Arty/7th Bn Assn
202nd Engineer Combat Battalion Reunion Group
205th Hospital Ship
20th AF, 462nd BG, 768th Sqn
251st Station Hospital Veterans Reunion WWII
27th Air Commando Reunion
2nd Battalion 1st Marines Reunion
320th Air Serv Grp, 321st Air Serv Grp & 344th Air Serv Sqdn
32nd Division Veteran Assn
3573 QM Truck CO WWII
3rd Batt 2 Man H&S Co. 2nd
3rd Bn 12th Marine Network
405 Signal Co Avon
43-K Aviation Cadet Association
432nd Engr Const Battalion
6th US Infantry Assn
73rd Bomb Wing
80th Service Group
471st Transportation Company Desert Storm
845th Speareaders Association
8th Air Force Historical Society
919th EAMC, 6010th Army/AF
919th Engineer Aviation Maintenance Company
94th Med Gas Treatment BN WWII
95th Evacuation Hospital Reunion
998th Treadway Bridge Company Reunion
ABMC WWII Commemorative Program Reunion
ACG adn WAGC Flagship
Air Force 662nd AC&W Squadron
American Battleship Assn and USS Missouri
American Defenders of Bataan and Corregidor, WWII Reunion, Western States Chapter
American Legion Reunion
American Memorials and Overseas Military Cemeteries
American Volunteer Group “Flying Tigers” Reunion WWII
Army 251 Engineers Combat Battalion WWII
Army Veterans Group Reunion
Asian American Initiatives, Inc Vietnam
Assn of Gunner’s Mates WWIIAVI8OR (Enola Gay Crew Reunions, Strategic Air Command Reunion, 15th Air Force of WWII, Tuskegee Airmen, National P47 Pilots Reunion, Air National Guard Reunion)AVI8OR (Enola Gay Crew Reunions, Strategic Air Command Reunion, 15th Air Force of WWII, Tuskegee Airmen, National P47 Pilots Reunion, Air National Guard Reunion)
Bacepow Reunion (Bay Area Civilian Ex-POWS) Reunion
Bataan Death March Survivors Reunion WWII
Battle of Antietam Reunion
Battle of Iwo Jima Reunion
Battle of Normandy “D-Day Commemorative Week” WWII
Battle of Ormoc Bay Association Reunion WWII
Battle of the Bulge